Co- designed with Alison Best and Natalie Houtioudi
Furniture is normally designed to make you relax and zone out making you not fully aware of your surroundings. We decided with this Project to do the opposite.
Our chair design was based around the idea of making something that would keep you aware and alert at all times while using natural forms.
The main body of the chair was taken from a Recycling Centre, its legs were remover, gaps were filled in and finally the entire body was sanded. Legs were then Designed and added on.
The Spikes on the back and seating area were measured around someone so that the user would have to sit in a certain way.
The spikes were then made and attached to the clay base. After the clay had been fired once, colouring was added and then re-fired. Finally the Spikes were glazed and fired for one final time before being mounted onto the wooden base of the chair.
A red line connected all the different elements of the chair together. The colour red was chosen as it represents danger.